Monday, 30 August 2010

Phone Companies are Thieving Bastards

True Story.  So I go with my phone to a store to get it activated.  Phone is a POS MotoQ with even more POS Windows Mobile 'OS'.  So I get this annoying, condescending little brat of a girl who is serving me and informs me that due to my phone type, I need a 'data plan' and it will cost me 30 bucks a month but I will get internet and other goodies.  Fair enough.

What the scheming bitch failed to tell me was that the 30 bucks wasn't my plan, it was an ADDITION to my plan that was in reality going to be 80 dollars a month minimum. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?!?!?  So I contact the company and explain to them my situation and what do they have the gall to tell me?  Well Sir, if you want to reduce the bill you can always remove the data plan!  So do I need the thing or what?  Are you telling your useless employees to lie to customers?

FYI - This was Canadian company Telus.  Enough is enough, communication should be publicly owned IMO.


  1. I totally feel you, man. They try that sort of bullshit in my country also.

  2. Iphone's bill crazy..
    cheers mate

  3. I hated my old phone company.

    The new one I got now though is okay.

  4. I've had so much trouble changing my plan, freaking ridiculous.

  5. agreed. i hate my phone company. ive spend countless hours trying to reason with them. theyre just awful. i cant wait for my contract to expire

  6. I changed my plan, but money still keep going off to nowhere... What to do...

  7. In the UK our plans are pretty well explained, there is a big chart in every shop telling you which each tariff covers, failing that its on the website, or there is automated services for ad-dons etc. Our american cousins seem to have allot of problems when it comes to AT&T etc

  8. I had the same happen to me here in the US, the exact same thing. I hated having to pay so much more.

  9. dude true that man.. they would live in your pockets if they could for godssake

  10. ummm yes indeed. this happened to me as well. i now am the not so proud owner of a fancy phone that does not function properly without paying extra for a data plan. even my old faithful vintage phone was more faithful that this piece! - Sprint service by the way....avoid upon entry into US.

  11. I was a proud owner of a fancy phone, and it was NOTHING but trouble!! They pulled the whole data package things too!! Never again.
